Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security

Syarat & Kondisi

  • Bhinneka berhak melakukan pembatalan pesanan jika ditemui adanya pelanggaran atau penyalahgunaan promosi ini, serta membatalkan transaksi yang sudah berhasil dilakukan.
  • Kebijakan dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa ada pemberitahuan sebelumnya, serta mutlak merupakan keputusan Bhinneka.

Proven Protection

Top-ranked protection and detection that stops known or new ransomware and advanced attacks.

Ease of Use

An integrated and centralized management console that provides a single-pane-of-glass view for all security management components.

Visibility and Control

Easy-to-understand risk dashboard that quickly identifies high-risk systems, applications, or users and suggests relevant remediation actions.

Maximize security, simplify endpoint protection

Use GravityZone to prevent attacks more efficiently and stay in control of your business’s cybersecurity.

Multi-layered Protection

Built on the GravityZone modular platform, Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security utilizes top-tier prevention, detection, and blocking capabilities. It employs proven machine learning techniques, behavioral analysis, and continuous process monitoring. When a threat is detected, GravityZone takes immediate action, including process terminations, quarantine, and rollback of malicious changes. 

Ransomware Prevention and Mitigation

Ransomware Mitigation employs detection and remediation technologies to safeguard  data against ransomware attacks. Whether the ransomware is known or new, GravityZone identifies abnormal encryption attempts and promptly blocks the process. Subsequently, it restores files from backup copies to their original location.

Network Attack Defense

Checks incoming, outgoing and lateral traffic and protects against network-based attacks such as brute force attacks, port scans, password stealers, lateral movement, and many more by using multiple layers of security.

This is an important layer that can protect against network-based attacks, stopping them early and automatically.

Risk Management

GravityZone enhances your security posture visibly and follows a risk-based approach recommended by leading security frameworks. The Risk Management module reduces exposure and hardens endpoint surface area by discovering and prioritizing risky user behavior, OS and software misconfigurations.

Web and content control and filtering

Prevents web-based threats early, before an attack can start and reduces the risks and potential of a security breach. GravityZone’s Content Control module  scans web traffic (incl. SSL) and blocks known and unknown malicious websites, files, scripts and phishing attempts. It allows to restrict user access to certain applications, sites or web categories and prevent unauthorized disclosure of sensitive data based on defined rules.

Centralized management, single pane of glass

Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security features a single integrated management console that provides one view for all security management components. Cybersecurity events are easily tracked, managed, and automated, eliminating the need for dedicated servers, additional maintenance, or more IT staff.​

*Operating systems covered: macOS | iOS | Linux | Windows. Linux OSs are considered servers.

Why choose GravityZone Business Security?

GravityZone Business Security tackles major cybersecurity threats like ransomware, phishing, zero-day exploits, and targeted attacks. It also helps you meet regulatory compliance and overcome challenges like limited IT staff and expertise gaps.


Top-ranked Protection and Detection

Bitdefender ranks first more often than any other vendor in top independent prevention and detection tests. 


Enterprise-grade protection made easy

Multilayered protection that combines  multiple machine learning techniques, behavioral analysis, and continuous monitoring of running processes to keep up with the latest threats.


Unified Security Management

GravityZone Business Security offers a unified platform for all devices, including desktops, laptops,  physical and virtual servers, with the choice of cloud or on-premise management.  

Maximize security, simplify endpoint protection

Bitdefender is recognized by industry analyst firms and independent testing organizations.

Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security

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