Dell New Generation Servers
Discount up to Rp 5 Million
Syarat & Kondisi
- Bhinneka berhak melakukan pembatalan pesanan jika ditemui adanya pelanggaran atau penyalahgunaan promosi ini, serta membatalkan transaksi yang sudah berhasil dilakukan.
- Kebijakan dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa ada pemberitahuan sebelumnya, serta mutlak merupakan keputusan Bhinneka.

Powered by the latest generation of Intel Xeon Scalable Processors and AMD EPYC™ CPUs.

Built for the most challenging workloads, working autonomously and collaboratively across all your IT environments.

Dell EMC Open Manage Enterprise includes our most powerful automation and reporting features yet – freeing you to focus on growing your business.

Designed for secure interactions and the capability to predict potential threats.

Rackmount Server
Best performance density and optimum capacity with flexible configurations for data centres with several diverse workloads.

Tower Server
Adapt to changing workloads with flexible expansion options that deliver a strong, modern IT infrastructure.

DELL Networking
Offers high-performance open networking top-of-rack switches with multi rate Gigabit Ethernet and unified ports.

Spare Part
Upgrade or extended your spare part for maximum performance unit.
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