Next-Generation Cybersecurity Solutions
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- Bhinneka berhak melakukan pembatalan pesanan jika ditemui adanya pelanggaran atau penyalahgunaan promosi ini, serta membatalkan transaksi yang sudah berhasil dilakukan.
- Kebijakan dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa ada pemberitahuan sebelumnya, serta mutlak merupakan keputusan Bhinneka.
What is Kaspersky Next?
Kaspersky Next is Kaspersky's new product line, which builds ups your security with EDR and XDR, supported by strong endpoint protection. It helps you secure your attack surface and annihilate attacks before they cause damage. Kaspersky Next combines strong endpoint protection and controls with the transparency and speed of EDR and the visibility and powerful tools of XDR, in three straightforward product tiers.
What if you're already using Kaspersky security?

Kaspersky Next offers three tiers based on your most critical cybersecurity needs. As your needs grow, it's easy to switch from one to another, swiftly upgrading your security function.
Kaspersky Next EDR Foundations
Kaspersky Next EDR Optimum
Kaspersky Next EDR Expert
Kaspersky Next EDR Foundations
Kaspersky Next EDR Optimum

Kaspersky Next EDR Expert
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