STUDiLMU Are You Going To Meet Clients For The First time

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Total Rp 199.999
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Informasi Toko
Dijual dan dikirim oleh Bhinneka, DKI Jakarta

Syarat dan Ketentuan
Jaminan 30-hari uang-kembali
Pengiriman: 2-3 Hari Kerja

  • 1.Mempelajari tentang bagaimana bertemu dan memiliki rapat atau pertemuan penting dengan klien untuk pertama kalinya. 2.Level Audience : Intermediate Levels 3.Durasi : 00.33.30 4.Speaker : Nana Nurwaesari
  • Keunggulan Produk
    Yang didapatkan dari kursus ini : Participants will have a clear idea about the steps of meeting with clients for the first time Participants can learn some professional phrases which can be used when meeting with clients Participants can learn how to make short notes during meetings with clients Participants can find out some important and useful tips for meeting with clients Participants are able to impl ement the lesson into their business activities