STUDiLMU How To Make A Polite Complaint in Business Context

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Dijual dan dikirim oleh Bhinneka, DKI Jakarta

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Jaminan 30-hari uang-kembali
Pengiriman: 2-3 Hari Kerja

  • 1.Mempelajari tentang bagaimana membuat dan memberikan keluhan secara sopan dalam konteks bisnis. 2.Level Audience : Intermediate Levels 3.Durasi : 00.24.54 4.Speaker : Nana Nurwaesari
  • Keunggulan Produk
    Yang didapatkan dari kursus ini : Participants will know how to make a polite complaint in Business context Participants can understand how to explain a problem in a short story and how to use indirect language to soften the tone even though we’re angry or frustrated Participants can understand how state the problem by keeping your voice calm and relaxed Participants can understand how to ask for help with diplomatic and polite words Participants will know how to use Modal Verbs in asking for help